In the times that I don’t feel like I have it in me to choose to be better I remember this-I owe it to my kids to be the best version of me ❤️. They chose me as their mom to guide and support them through this life’s journey and I am honoured to be the love they need to choose to be the best versions of who they truly are. In the moments where I feel like I don’t know what to do, I ask God to give me the strength to BE me – A vessel of love ❤️. There’s nothing to do but get out of my way and BE love. I owe it to my kids to live my truth, to follow my dreams and to focus on creative expression that lights me up ✨. Why do I owe it to my kids? Because not only am I the mirror of authenticity but this way I give them a safe sacred space to live their truth, to follow their dreams and to be creative expression that lights them up ❤️. Have a beautiful day celebrating you and the loves in your life